
同為3-3戰績的閃電狼和G2在加賽場次對決,只要獲勝即可晉級八強,然而閃電狼這場的BP看來十分奇葩,竟然把漢默丁格放掉並後手選了一個近戰的魔鬥凱薩+貪啃奇雙人組走下,讓Reddit鄉民十分不解到底為什麼要這樣BP,這樣做的後果導致閃電郎的下路無法發揮,而G2這邊又選到Main角和強勢的中上,造成閃電狼徹底崩盤拱手讓出勝利,又再一次止步小組賽無緣八強。文字回應:thank mr buffalo 謝謝你,越南隊No Heimer ban against Hjarnandonger? The Donger sends his regards. 你不Ban Hjarnandonger 的漢默丁格?Hjarnandonger 向你致意uncounterplayable (魔鬥凱薩)未能剋制(漢默丁格)Not against double melee bot lane at least lmao... Who the fuck thought 2 melee champions can counter heimer? 你要對漢默丁格至少也不能選兩隻近戰的吧…(笑)到底誰會想到用兩隻近戰角去打他?FW were not ready for the dark technologies FW看起來沒準備好面對這個黑科技Eu in a tiebreaker and heimerdinger? No way we could loose this one boyz. Well done G2 EU打加賽,然後有漢默丁格選? 我想不到有什麼輸的可能性,G2幹得好。Indeed, a wise choice. (漢默丁格選角語音)Worst draft I’ve ever seen from FW 這真的是FW最爛的選角Flash Wolves with the complete 2017 TSM experience FW完整體驗了TSM在2017世界賽的經歷。Phong Vũ Appreciation Thread 要開一個貼去稱讚越南隊了EU in tiebreakers > G2 never making it out of groups EU加賽 > G2從不打進八強Mordes win condition: "Pressure bot and dragon to help take objectives to snowball the game" Flash Wolves: Fuck that shit let's just lose. WP by Perkz though, happy he made it out of Groups 魔鬥凱薩要贏就要:壓下路、控龍、搶地圖資源再滾雪球。 FW:媽的,有這個糞角我們要輸了。 Perkz真的玩得好,很高興看到他進入八強G2 in the quater final is a big fuck you to Zven and Mithy. G2進八強了,直接打臉Zven以及Mithy-Zven and Mithy leave G2 -> G2 makes it out of groups at Worlds. -TSM kicks Doublelift -> Doublelift wins 2 straight splits and goes to Worlds. TSM misses their first worlds tournament. -TSM kicks Svenskeren -> Sven goes to Worlds and makes it out of groups. That may go down as one of the worst trades TSM has ever made, but it has been so good for everyone else. -Zven、Mithy 離開 G2 -> G2在世界賽首次打進八強 -TSM 踢走Doublelift -> Doublelift 贏兩個賽季冠軍進入世界賽。TSM 首次沒打進世界賽。 -TSM 踢掉Svenskeren -> Sven再次進入世界賽並在世界賽打入八強 TSM一次又一次進行最差的交易,但是其他隊伍都得益了。Another worlds, another FW collapse. Some things never change. 世界賽又辦了一屆,FW又倒一次。這真的是不變的定律。Hanabi made Urgot look balanced 火龍讓大家覺得烏爾加特很平衡when you counter heimerdinger but notice your champ is useless 當你選了一隻能剋漢默丁格的角色,但也發現選了這個角色完全沒用Zven and Mithy WERE THE PROBLEM Zven和Mithy真的是G2的問題所在GG G2 !! We could see 4 western teams going to quarter this year, would be insane! G2 GoodGame!! 我們能夠看到四個西方隊伍打進四強, 這真的很棒!圖片回應:hEUimerdinger今天的EU:填字遊戲, 要怎填我就不說啦當我知道G2能選漢默丁格的時候:REDDIT鄉民表示:計畫通?!BetterNerfIRE:更多上報內容:【2018世界賽】歐美網友看FW vs G2(正賽):為什麼閃電狼不在Jankos金人的時候把巴龍吃掉?【2018世界賽】AFs Spirit:第一輪表現不如預期 其實原因就是我們真的爛而已【2018世界賽】小組賽Day6:G2雙劍合璧定江山 閃電狼遭斬殺止步小組賽

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